Andrew Morris-Singer, co-director of the Morris-Singer Foundation (the primary funder of 3rd Conversation) and Chair of Primary Care Progress, and Christine Bechtel, co-founder of X4 Health, 3rd Conversation, and a patient advocate, will be hosting a presentation on Innovation in Primary Care and the COVID Response on Tuesday, October 27.

The presentation is focused on how the rapid adaptation required by COVID has created an opportunity to approach primary care, health, and health care in new ways that will better meet the needs of both current and future challenges.
The need for primary care has never been greater and clinics and health care clinicians are stepping up in innovative and effective ways.

Along with identifying examples of inspiring community-responsive innovation, the fireside chat portion of the program will include speakers from Maryland, Michigan, and Oregon discussing the factors that enabled implementation and success of their innovative initiatives.
The presentation is part of the Quality Innovation Series, hosted by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).