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When we establish human connections within the context of shared experiences, we create community wherever we go.

- Gina Greenlee

I’m going to be more sensitive of the provider side of the equation. I’m going to write a thank-you note to all my doctors tomorrow.

- Patient 

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Providers and patients want the same thing. I want to take this conversation to larger audiences including health policy experts and politicians.

- Clinician 

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It’s nice to hear ‘physicians are humans, too’ because it’s something we don’t often hear.

- Clinician

I don't usually have the opportunity to interact with clinicians. I look forward to keeping those lines of communication open.

- Administrator

I don't always feel I get the opportunity to see raw truth, raw emotion from providers, so I feel like I was able to hear and experience the provider as human instead of purely professional.

- Patient 


My burnout level is so high, but it’s never because of my patients. What drives me to come to work is my patients.

- Clinician

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Both groups [professionals and patients] are seeking connection in an environment that isn’t able to support them.

- Clinician

- Patient 

This was my first time sharing my story and I felt heard and powerful afterwards.

I came into the room thinking, ‘Who do I know?’ But as the evening wore on, it didn't matter. We [patients and providers] had an equal amount to learn from each other.

- Clinician

It's the stories that matter...We don't often have the opportunity to both tell our stories and hear from others

- Patient 


As a provider, I feel I can’t advocate for myself; I want to advocate for my patients. But if we both want to advocate for the same thing, I feel more comfortable about that. If it’s good for me and it’s good for them, let’s roll with it!

- Clinician


I heard a need for balance with family needs, patient needs, and administrative needs. Clinicians need balance, the same way we do.

- Patient 

I learned that what I value is almost exactly what my patients value. I am recognizing that continuing to involve my patients in my day and in my experience helps me seem more relatable. 

- Clinician

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I appreciated the openness that we shared in our conversation. It seemed really natural. It’s because we share the same mindset of wanting to improve and go forward.

- Patient 

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 Sometimes all you’ve got [is being present] and it’s so powerful and so helpful just for people to not feel alone for a few minutes.

- Clinician


It's an important perspective to learn how much you [clinicians] have in common with me. And that it's not us versus them.  

- Patient 

We all have the same goals in mind, and we can find a way to get there together

- Administrator

- Clinician

[I realized that] patients sometimes omit things because they are trying to be protective and don't want to be a burden.

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