Health care can be tough on patients, clinicians and administrators who work in the system.
Clinicians are burning out at alarming rates; depression and suicide are on the rise
Patients often feel alone in a complex system
Administrators balance competing demands in what feels like a zero sum game
Enter COVID. Our health care system, and our country, has never seen anything like it.
We need empathy and human connection now more than ever.
We think it's time for a new conversation – a 3rd Conversation – that brings health care stakeholders together to connect as humans and explore how relationships, empathy, and connection can be sources of power, healing, and fulfillment. Learn more.


Tommy, patient

We both want time, we both want personal connection…. You realize we're not on opposite teams, we are on the same team.

Everything in life that gets fixed starts with relationships.

Relationships are resilient and fluid. They can help you realize we can be both lucky and still have scars from what we’ve been through